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Walter Novellino to be appointed as new Palermo boss
The experienced manager confirmed negotiations talking to Grifo Tube. "I have an economic agreement with the clu. I'll meet them tomorrow for the last details but I see no obstacles, though I still have to sort acouple of things out with my former club Modena. Palermo is a great club, I am very happy for the chance I've been given."
Yesterday, Giuseppe Iachini handed his resignation and Maurizio Zamparini was ready to recall Davide Ballardini on the club’s bench, but talks were put on holds as Zamparini asked Iachini to think twice about his decision.
Iachini refused to stay, confirming Premium Sport he can’t carry on working with president Maurizio Zamparini anymore.
“We did not share the same views on the project and honestly last days’ criticisms have been a bit too heavy. I have my dignity and integrity, both as a man and as a pro.”
“Zamparini has known me since two years and a half and it’s a bit strange he’s yet not familiar with my style of play. That’s why I left.”
“I only hope for Palermo’s players and fans they won’t be relegated.”
Lorenzo Bettoni @lorebetto