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Stesso tweet per ricordare Kobe Bryant, infuria la polemica contro Ronaldo e Figo FOTO
STESSO SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER - C'è chi parla di vergogna e di plagio, in tanti puntano il dito contro il Social Media Manager dei due campioni. Un errore che non è passato inosservato su un tema che da ieri sta scaldando il cuore di tutti gli sportivi e non.
So sad to hear the heartbreaking news of the deaths of Kobe and his daughter Gianna. Kobe was a true legend and inspiration to so many. Sending my condolences to his family and friends and the families of all who lost their lives in the crash. RIP Legend
— Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) January 26, 2020
So sad to hear the heartbreaking news of the deaths of Kobe and his daughter Gianna. Kobe was a true legend and inspiration to so many. Sending my condolences to his family and friends and the families of all who lost their lives in the crash. RIP Legend
— Luís Figo (@LuisFigo) January 27, 2020