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    Napoli fan picks lotto numbers from Higuain’s birth date and wins € 30K!

    Napoli fan picks lotto numbers from Higuain’s birth date and wins € 30K!

    There is a Napoli fan living in Avellino that is not only grateful to Gonzalo Higuain for scoring 36 goals in Serie A this season, but also for being born on the 10th of December 1987.

    The anonymous partenopei supporter betted the Argentinean striker’s birth date (12, 10, 87) on lotto two days ago winning more than € 30.000 (€ 30.312,00).

    “Congratulations to him, but I support Juve”, Nicola Pasquariello (owner of the bar where the fan placed the bet) told Radio Punto Zero.


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