Inter: still keen on Isla. Juventus: possible swap with Eintracht
Inter Milan’s priority for this transfer window remains the signing of a new right back; Chelsea 19 year old Wallace, who seemed intented to sign last week, has not joined yet, and, interviewed by FcInternews.it, his Frederico Moraes has declared that there must be some problem between the two clubs, as Inter already have an agreement with his client; the nerazzurri would in any case need even a more experienced player, and, according to La Gazzetta dello Sport, they keep on thinking about Juventus 25 year old Mauricio Isla. The Lonbard club’s executives keep also on working to reinforce their team’s midfield, and, according to Sportitalia transfer market expert Alfredo Pedullà, they should meet their Bologna cunterparts in the next days to talk about the possible signing of 21 year old Saphir Taider; in any case, still according to “La Gazzetta”, if they will succeed in selling 27 year old Fredy Guarin, the nerazzurri could swoop on Lazio 28 year old Hernanes, valued over 25 million euros. Moreover, as highlighted by Tuttosport, FC Porto 26 year old Fernando Francisco Reges could follow the same path of 27 year old defender Rolando who has already arrived in Milan and substained the medicals for the Lombard club.
Serie A defending champions Juventus are seeking a defender, and, according to IlSussidiario.net, to obtain 18 year old Marc-Oliver Kempf could offer to Eintracht Frankfurt 27 year old rigt back Marco Motta, admired by the German club. Regarding the possible departures, Lazio president Claudio Lotito has denied to be in talks for 30 year old Fabio Quagliarella, while Milan Channel director Mauro Suma has declared that 28 year old Alessandro Matri won’t join the rossoneri.