Milan: Cassano is a big...problem!
Is really hot in Milanello but Adriano Galliani remains covered. There is no news about the acquisition of Mister X, despite the many questions in the press conference. The only certainty is the fact that the Berlusconi family will invest on the market by acquiring either a quarteback or a winger.
Fabregas and Pastore will not arrive and Kakà is a "difficult matter". Ganso is still possible either in August or January. Someone will arrive and someone else will go, but this will not be a top player. Neither Cassano: "He will not ask to be transferred" - said Allegri - "Cassano is a big" - remarked Galliani. Yes, a big problem... He will have to compete with 7 players in the attack (mister X, Ibra, Pato, Robinho, Inzaghi, Paloschi and El Shaarawy), a competition that is not helping him if he wants a place for the European championship next year.