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    Italy, Zaza: 'Napoli are a great squad'

    Italy, Zaza: 'Napoli are a great squad'

    Simone Zaza is now with the Italy team as they prepare to face Germany next week in a friendly game. Here is what Zaza had to say to Rai Sport after the Italy game: "I am not thinking of any other teams right now. Napoli are a great squad and I have had the opportunity to play in a great squad like Juventus too. I am now only concentrating on doing well. West Ham are my actual squad and it would be a failure if I leave them". 

    ITALY- " I wasn't expecting to be called up by the national team, I know how I've been playing of late but I am super happy and I needed this call-up. It also means that coach Ventura believes in me since I haven't been playing well in England. I hope that this negative moment ends very soon but that's football for you. Sometimes you score goals at will and other times you can't buy a goal. I am very happy to be in this great Italian group". 

    Jean-Luca Mascaro (@CalcioNews89)

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