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Torino boss Ventura reveals he could have coached Juve
“It is my fault”, Ventura told Il Corriere dello Sport.
“I should have noticed football was changing. I’ve always thought results are more important than my image as a manager, but I was wrong.”
“Lazio, Fiorentina and Juventus wanted me to become their manager in the past.” “If my good friend Marcello Lippi would have not resigned as Juventus manager in the middle of the 1998-1999 campaign I’d have probably become the Old Lady’s manager at the end of that season.”
“On the contrary, they called Carlo Ancelotti to replace Lippi in February and he eventually stayed there also for the following season. He had no job at that time, while I was coaching Cagliari.”
“If I would have done with big teams what I did with Bari, Lecce, Torino or Cagliari, it would have changed a lot for my career.”
“I was also offered to coach a national team which is very far from here, but I declined, despite the offered me lot of money. I’d like to coach Italy national team.
“It would be a honor worth more than all the money coming from coaching big European sides like Chelsea or Bayern Munich.”
Lorenzo Bettoni @lorebetto