Pippo Russo: what do you think about Roma2024?
It didn’t seem to us too encouraging. Once again, it was the same person who chaired the organization of the FIFA World Cup in 1990: not only, that event was a disaster from every point of view, but, most of all, between the two events there are 34 years. A long period, during which the country went through enormous changes; moreover, those who were not even born in 1990, will have the chance to become adults and even parents, but Luca Cordero di Montezemolo is still there. What about the renovation? Montezemolo has tried to persuade the crowd with some slogans, but much more will be needed to convince not only the Committee but also the Italian citizens. By the way, also the Swimming World Championship in 2009 have been a disaster. Of course, there is somebody who reminds that the Winter Olympics in 2006 were a success. But such event is seen more as a Turin’s victory than an Italian one. Of course, this is just a sensation, probably even wrong, but it’s about sensations that we have to be attentive. Moreover, in the mid time, two Italian candidacies have already been refused, the one for 2004 and the one for 2020. According to what we have just said, it would be much better to avoid such an adventure; moreover, the last Olympic Games costed a lot of money to the taxpayers. On the other hand, we have to be aware of the endemic pessimism of the Italians; it can become very dangerous to have only the choice between the disaster and the renunciation. If I look at the facts, I have to be pessimist; but for how long, as an Italian, can I afford such pessimism? For how long can we all of us afford it?
I think that in this phase, the doubt is a right and a must, and that both the optimists and the pessimists must be doubtful. Let’s try to discuss without prejudices about the opportunity of having the Olympics in Rome in 2024. From this point of view, calciomercato.com and its readers can be an ideal theater. What do you think about Roma 2024?
Pippo Russo @pippoevai precis translation by @MHatterG