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Perin insults Frosinone fan, evokes distressing WW2 incident
However, when recently provoked by a Frosinone fan (Genoa's next Serie A opponents), Perin's answer went way, way over the line:
“History was made at Vallecorsa, my grandfather founded Littoria [in Liguria, near Genoa], whilst yours speaks Arabic!”.
The young goalkeeper was alluding to one of the darkest moments in Frosinone's history, when the town was overrun by the Allies and hundreds of Moroccan French Army regulars are reported to have committed acts of brutality - including rape, mutilation and even murder. Their victims are said to number in the hundreds, with the incident going down in Italian history as the “Marocchinate”.
This horrible act still holds sway in the Italian conscience, having been narrated in a famous Alberto Moravia book (“La Ciociara), which was made into a film by Vittorio De Sica, with Sophia Loren reprising the main role.
Though he has since apologised on his Instagram account (“I apologise to all those I have offended with my remark. It was out of place, and I'm very sorry”.), the Genoa goalie may need to hand over his social media accounts to a PR firm.