Mr Bee: 'I still want to buy AC Milan'
Silvio Berlusconi is now negotiating the sale of the club with an unknown Chinese consortium and Mr. Bee has shared his thoughts about the imminent takeover of the Serie A club.
“Berlusconi is negotiating with intermediaries, whilst the owner of the assets will be appointed as CEO. There are ten companies involved and suitors just want to make profit for their clients. I’d prefer to see AC Milan bought by an Italian entrepreneur.”
“This club belongs to Silvio Berlusconi. He has dedicated his life to AC Milan and everybody knows what he has done. I am still here. I am available to add something because I know how to do it and because I have experience in this kind of business.”

“I know the president has another exclusive agreement, but I am ready too. We have a long-term vision and we aim to rebuild the club. AC Milan can return to the top again.”
“I wanted to buy a majority share in the club at the beginning because that was the desire of some Oriental families that used to back me at the time. However, I’ve noticed that’s not the way Italian football works. We should only invest capitals, helping the development of the club’s commercial strategies, leaving Berlusconi free to manage the club.”
“I’ve know Italian football and I’ve understood I have no right to claim a majority share in the club. It was not my intention to turn negotiations into a show. I am a serious person and there are still potential partners that want to be part of my network.”

“The brand AC Milan could be ruined without an Italian owner. Investing money to buy new players is pointless, because it’s not a sustainable strategy.”
“The Chinese government has decided that each child must school must introduce at least one hour of physical education a day from August. I am currently recruiting teachers, I have an agreement with the Chinese Ministers of Sport and Instruction and though this partnership we could pick the most promising kids and develop their qualities in Europe.”
Lorenzo Bettoni @lorebetto