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    Luis Fabiano says yes to Juventus

    Luis Fabiano says yes to Juventus

    Amauri is the key.
    Luis Fabiano, Forlan and Vucinic: want Juve.
    Three attackers that like the bianconeri.
    Mean while Iaquinta recovers in view of Samp.

    The director of Seville: "Anyone can leave if a good enough offer arrives".
    "We are waiting for an offer for Luis Fabiano".
    Roma blocks Vucinic. Ranieri: "He is staying 100%". But the playr is ready to yes in June.

    The Brazilian is ready to take a pay cut for a tranfer to Torino.
    Luis Fabiano says yes to Juve: there is already an agreement.
    Marotta wants him on loan, but Seville want to sell him for 10 million.

    Problems for Barzagli. The assult on Pazzini will start in the summer, preferred over Gilardino by Del Neri.
    (Gazzetta dello Sport)

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