• AFP/Getty Images
    Juventus targeting Sanchez as Arsenal contract talks stall

    Juventus targeting Sanchez as Arsenal contract talks stall

    Despite claims by the Sunday Mirror that Arsenal are currently in negotiations with Chilean star Alexis Sanchez over a new deal at the Emirates, Juventus are continuing to monitor the situation with interest.
    The 27-year-old has been in talks over at new deal with the Gunners since August but no contract has been signed so far and the stand-off is giving hope to both the bianconeri and Premier League side Manchester City. 
    The player himself is reported to want an increase on his current salary to £130,000 a week and after a sensational start to the new campaign, his entourage believe he is worth it. Whether the power brokers at the club think the same is believed to be what is holding up negotiations and the journal suggests that should Sanchez decide to leave North London in the summer, it will trigger a £50 million bidding war between the two clubs.

    Steve Mitchell @barafundler

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