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Juve, Sturaro: "I'm good, the model of play is not a problem. Objective is the Champions League"
Juventus are ready to welcome back Stefano Sturaro. The 23-year-old has now recovered from his injury lay-off and is looking to the future. Speaking to Sky Sport he explained that; “Finally, I’m ready to return after three months out of action. It’s not been easy to start training again and I’m obviously behind the rest of the team and I need to catch up. I hope I can be at the disposal of the coach and regain my place”.
He was asked if he would have problems adapting to the new module of play to which he replied; “We are professional players and we must be able to play where required. The team is more important than any individual so if the team is doing well the individual also improves”.
Finally, the primary objective of the season, Sturaro had no doubt in his mind when he declared that; “The Champions League is the competition we want to win but there are so many teams capable of winning it. We always want to do better and we can only do this on the field”.
Steve Mitchell @barafundler
Steve Mitchell @barafundler