Inter lead molehunt after Ljajic-Jovetic outbursts, Jovetic out if Calleri joins?
Inter are choosing the stick approach in fining Stefan Jovetic (12.500 €), Felipe Melo (10.400 €) and Adem Ljajic (7.500 €) by docking 5% of their pay, the most they are allowed to deduct without going through the League's arbitration process. As the Gazzetta dello Sport details, the Nerazzurri are backing Mancini, who iss ending a clear message to the dressing room: Il Mancio wants discipline and respect. Whilst Melo is being punished for the penalty he gave away and his sending off (his three-match suspension won't be appealed), the other two are paying for the indiscipline they showed before and after the Lazio game.
Frienships aren't out of place in football, but don't preclude a tough talking if it's needed. It would be damaging for the team's future to sweep all this under the carpet, instead of trying to get to the bottom of these problems, which aren't only tactical in nature. Mancini is especially peeved at the team's attitude, with the team's poor performance a result of it getting the approach to the whole preceding week wrong, as well as the pre-game warmup.
Mancinig would have liked the club to schedule things differently, and to show more sensitivity before a key game. Though Director of Sport Piero Ausilio is a good helping hand, Director General Marco Fassone has yet to be replaced. Dejan Stankovic is struggling to keep certain Balkan elements at bay, whilst Javier Zanetti is more of an ambassador for the club. The Corriere della Sera believes that the club is considering adding a new element to its front office.
MOLEHUNT - Libero, on the other hand, reports that the molehunt is on to find the source inside the dressing room who has been leaking all this juicy information to the press. Jovetic is also reported to have a problem with Icardi: according to Tuttosport, Mancini and Inter don't want to break with him, but could send him on his way in June, especially if young Argentine talent Jonathan Calleri joins the club.