Ronaldinho: 'I want to return to Brazil to play the World Cup 2014'
Adriano Galliani, Ronaldinho and Roberto de Assis, said in press conference from Brazil:
Adriano Galliani: "First of all, I must clarify that Milan did not terminate the contract with Ronaldinho. For sure, if he leaves president Berlusconi will miss himi". Galliani has said he will not return to Italy until the player has chosen a new team: "Milan will help Ronaldinho find the best solution. He wants to play in Brazil. The relationship with him and de Assis is excellent and I would like to officially announce that the club intends to accept Ronaldinho's request. We acquired Cassano because of Inzaghi's injury. We started with 5 attackers and we wanted 5. Cassano did not come to replace Dinho. We will consider the offers, I am a fan of Flamengo and would send him there, but the final decision will be taken with the player. We are working on the registration price but it is a global negotiation that will only be comptete when everybody reaches an agreement".
Ronaldinho: "I feel I belong to the Rossoneri's family, I am totally in agreement to leave. I am pleased that Gremio are interested. If I decide to play in Brazil it is also because I want to be part of the national team and play the World Cup 2014. After many years in Europe I decided to return to Brazil because there is the World Cup in three years. I spoke with Galliani and they respected my decision and I am very grateful. After Leonardo left Milan I decided to return to Brazil. I still feel like an important player".
Roberto de Assis: "Milan have given permission for us to talk to Brazilian clubs and it true that there is a clause that stops Dinho playing in another Italian club. We have spoken with Flamengo, Gremio and Palmeiras. Once the future is decided, the contract will just be a formality. The Brazilian clubs are considering their finance to support his acquisition. A difficult decision: Palmeiras, Flamengo, Gremio have come forward in a very elegant way and they understood that it is a very important decision and there is also Milan to consider. We hope to arrive at an agreement in the next few days".