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EXCLUSIVE Juventus striker Zaza warming to Wolfsburg idea
Will Simone Zaza move to Wolfsburg on the €25 million deal agreed with Juventus?
Though we have no confirmation, we’re hearing increasing reports from the 25-year-old striker that he’s warming to the idea of a move to the Bundesliga.
For a start, Wolfsburg would guarantee the Azzurri international a key role, a four-year-deal and twice what he is earning at the moment at the J Stadium, ie €3 million.
The last meeting between agent Christian Maifredi and the BuLi club was held this morning, and both sides left rather happy.
Zaza himself has asked for some more time, as he is still uncertain about moving countries, and move to a completely different atmosphere, not to mention a new country!
His answer will come by the end of the week.
Nicola Balice (@NicolaBalice), translated by @EdoDalmonte