Crystal Palace, OFFICIAL: injury to Remy, he returns to Chelsea 08 set 2016 Home News Crystal Palace, OFFICIAL: injury to Remy, he returns to Chelsea Getty Images Crystal Palace, OFFICIAL: injury to Remy, he returns to Chelsea 08 set 2016 A cruel blow to striker Loic Remy who has picked up an ankle injury whilst on-loan at Crystal Palace and has been sent straight back to his parent club Chelsea for more tests. S.M Chelsea, Ivanovic returns to the transfer market THIAGO E LA JUVE L’entourage di Motta: “Ha fatto errori, ma nessuno dice quello che succede alla Juventus”. Poi non chiude all’addio
THIAGO E LA JUVE L’entourage di Motta: “Ha fatto errori, ma nessuno dice quello che succede alla Juventus”. Poi non chiude all’addio