Buffon will have an operation after the World Cup 05 set 2013 Home News Buffon will have an operation after the World Cup Buffon will have an operation after the World Cup 05 set 2013 According to Sky Sport 24, Italy's goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon will have an operation to resolve his back problem on his return from South Africa. In agreement with his club, Juventus, that in the meantime acquired Marco Storari, Buffon will not play the first part of next season. THIAGO E LA JUVE L’entourage di Motta: “Ha fatto errori, ma nessuno dice quello che succede alla Juventus”. Poi non chiude all’addio ALLERTA ROSSA Fiorentina-Juventus è davvero a rischio? Cosa filtra e la posizione del club
THIAGO E LA JUVE L’entourage di Motta: “Ha fatto errori, ma nessuno dice quello che succede alla Juventus”. Poi non chiude all’addio