BREAKING: Lippi to join Milan on Monday if Miha doesn't beat Fiorentina in style
Silvio Berlusconi has decided to sack Sinisa Mihajlovic and wil replace him on Monday with Marcello Lipipi, if Tuttosport is to be believed. He will be assisted by either Massimiliano Maddaloni (his No.2 in Guangzhou) and Mauro Tassotti.
According to the Turinese newspaper, Miha's only chance is to win in style against Fiorentina this weekend at San Siro. Otherwise it wil be up to Marcello Lippi to make up the club's ten-point gap with the leading pack.
The former World Cup Winner with Italy would be there to steer the team to the end of the team, with the Rossoneri looking to hire Antonio Conte (another national team coach) for the long term. Lippi could eventually become the team's director of sport. If Conte were to refuse, however, Lippi could be the man to take the team forward.
Even prospective buyer Bee Taechaubol approves of the move. Bee himself is set to meet Fininvest's Alessandro Franzosi and Leonardo Brivio in order to bring new investors into the club, includeing the Chinese Bank, CITIC.
CALCIOMERCATO - Lippi con Berlusconi avrebbe già parlato della formazione e anche del mercato. Dopo la cessione di Luiz Adriano ai cinesi del Jiangtsu per 14 milioni, il Milan può iniziare a pianificare qualche operazione in entrata per rinforzare la rosa. Decaduta l'ipotesi di acquistare un difensore centrale con le permanenze di Mexes e Zapata (l'argomento verrà affrontato nel mercato estivo), le priorità dei rossoneri sono un centrocampista centrale e un esterno d'attacco che possa giocare sulla fascia destra.
The former Juventus, Inter and Atalanta manager is reported to have spoken to Berlusconi about transfers, with the 14 million made out of the Adriano transfer the basis for an acquisition or two. With Mexes and Zapata staying, bringing in another CB is no longer a priority.The midfield's objectives are still the same: Witsel and Fellaini are the taller orders, Ever Banega and Roberto Soriano the more practical objectives, though Juventus and Inter are interested too.
Lippi may just want to keep Stefano El Shaarawy. If he ends up returning to the San Siro, it'll be because of the Viareggio-born manager.
The first name on Galliani's list is that of Bilel El Ghazi: problem is, Ajax want 13 million for him, though agent Soren Lerby is expecting a call from Milan which could come in the last days of the transfer window.
Finally, Jose Mauri is definitely not for sale. Will he find more opportunities under Lippi?
Edo Dalmonte (@edodalmonte)