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Berlusconi once jokingly said he'd buy Juventus
Comedian and TV presenter Ezio Greggio has a couple for us...
“Berlusconi asked me if I was a Milan fan at a dinner once”, he told Il Giornale, “I answered that I was born in Piedmont, and that I was a Juventus fan.
“He answered: Emilio Fede [a controversial news presenter on one of Berlusconi’s channels, also involved in the Bunga Bunga affair] was also a Juventus fan, he’s a Milanista now…
“When I told him I’d remain fairhtful to my club he became serious, and after thinking for a second he exclaimed: ‘I’ll have to buy Juventus too, then!’”
Greggio also told of a time when Berlusconi pulled another bunny out of his hat: “I went to him to ask him for a raise. Talk turned to football, because someone told him that I used to play at amateur level. He offered me the chance to play 10 minutes of an upcoming Milan friendly against Real Madrid at the Bernabeu… instead of the raise. I accepted without hesitating: obviously I didn’t play, but he gave me the raise anyway!”.
Love him or hate him, he’s quite the character.