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Amauri: 'I'd be happy to return to Palermo...'
"Amauri? I'll take him back". These are the sweet words of Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini about Amauri: "Yes, I would take him back straight away, even tomorrow morning, but to come back here he would have to take a pay cut and have the same money he used to get with us in the past".
Amauri told stadionews: "A return to Palermo? Never say never, who knows, in football everything is possible. I am like a son to Zamparini and he still cares about me, this makes me happy. Reduce my salary? As I said, never say never, we would have to look at various things, but if I had to answer from my heart, you know what my answer would be. I left a piece of my heart in Palermo, I love the city, the fans, so...."