Allegri on Ronaldo’s arrival: “I see too much excitement around and this is not good”
ON THE TEAM - "We are working well in the United States, especially on the defensive stage. After the American tour is over, we will meet again on August 8th and we will have ten days to prepare ourselves for the debut in the championship. difficult for us: the teams will be more aggressive because we come from so many victories and also came an extraordinary player like Cristiano Ronaldo. Facing it for the opponents will be an extra stimulus. "
ON BENFICA - "It is a team of international level, for Juventus this will be a good test.”
ON CANCELO - "He is a young player who has the potential to become one of the best full-backs in the world.”
ON TRAINING - " We will play with 4-4-2. In port Szczesny and Perin will play a time each. In defense there will be Cancelo, Chiellini, another centre-back that I still have to choose and Beruatto . Pjanic, Khedira, Marchisio, Bernardeschi, Favilli and Pereira will also play ".
ON CRISTIANO RONALDO - "He's a great player, I'm happy to have the chance to train him. For us it is an added value, has international experience. I see too much excitement around and this is not good. Cristiano Ronaldo is a great champion, but it is normal. It must be normal. What did we say to Ronaldo when we saw each other? We talked about the happiness with which he was welcomed and the choice made, but it was a holiday time for him and we did not talk about football.”
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