Wanda Nara: 'I would like Icardi to be more protected by Inter'
"Spalletti has a problem with me? No, no. Many have written to me asking if he was referring to me but I clarify for the umpteenth time: we did not talka about the renewal. When the management called me, it was to get to know each other better and to talk about other things," she said.
"There were so many fake news, like the non-existent fine. I would like Mauro to be more protected by the club because sometimes some bad things come from inside.
"The priority is Inter. I have never called Inter to request a renewal. We are in no hurry, he still has two years of his contract. A crisis? We are talking about nothing, he has always scored goals.
"Lautaro? He scored goals thanks to great moves from Mauro, who was served little during this period. Maybe Spalletti could start Martinez from the first minute, taking advantage of the fact that Mauro and Lautaro are friends and that there is no rivalry between them," Wanda concluded.