Romano Exclusive: Milan have an agreement in place for Musacchio: the details
It all started last summer and more concretely in February 2017 as Milan had talks with the player's entourage to find an agreement. A deal is now inches away from being complete between Milan and Villarreal, which would see Musacchio transfer to Italy.
TOTAL AGREEMENT - A total agreement was found with the Spanish club as Milan will dish out 18 million euros to get him (with bonuses). Villarreal are ready to say yes as Musacchio does not intend to renew his deal with the club (his contract expires in 2018). Milan have a 4 year contract ready for him but a few bureaucratic details remain to be worked on. Milan also had interest in De Vrij but Lotito did not want to budge. Milan are convinced: Musacchio is their guy as he is ready to join the rossoneri....
By Fabrizio Romano, adapted and translated by Jean-Luca Mascaro (@CalcioNews89)