REPORT: Schweinsteiger offered to Juve 09 ago 2016 Home News REPORT: Schweinsteiger offered to Juve REPORT: Schweinsteiger offered to Juve 09 ago 2016 The German midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger seems intended to leave Manchester United. As reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport, the 32-year-old has been offered to Juventus too; the bianconeri have just sold Paul Pogba to the Red Devils themselves. M.G. Inter, le cifre di Frattesi a bilancio: ingaggio e plusvalenza, quanto può guadagnare Oaktree in caso di addio IL PIANO Milan, il piano per Rashford: due cessioni anticipate per l'extra budget
Inter, le cifre di Frattesi a bilancio: ingaggio e plusvalenza, quanto può guadagnare Oaktree in caso di addio