Exclusive: Inter put Kondogbia on the transfer market, Luiz Gustavo would then be the top target
KONDOGBIA ON HIS WAY OUT - Next week will be an important one for Inter Milan as they will be meeting Atalanta to close a deal for Gagliardini but they will also meet with Kondogbia's entourage to officially let them know of their decision to put him on the transfer market. Kondogbia arrived at Inter from Monaco for 40 million euros in the summer of 2015 but he has never been able to convince the Inter management. Inter will be looking to sell him to a team who will be ready to dish out 30 million euros for him.
Chelsea, Liverpool,Marseille or the Chinese league are the likeliest destinations for Kondogbia. Inter will first need to sell him (considering the Fifa financial fair play rules) before they can then sign another midfielder. Luiz Gustavo would be high on Inter's list as the Brazilian midfielder's contract is set to expire in 2018 with Wolfsburg. The German club are ready to let him leave on a loan with an option to buy.
Jean-Luca Mascaro (@CalcioNews89)