Entrepreneurs arrested in Mafia-operation: they had contact with Napoli players
The Esposito brothers, Gabriele, Francesco and Giuseppe are living in the neighbourhood of Posillipo and have multiple economic activities in the city. They own one of the best known discos in Naples and they also have interests in the commercialization of toys.
The Esposito brothers are accused of fictitious heading of assets with the aggravating circumstance of having committed the work in order to facilitate the activity of the Camorra clans Contini and Sarno. The report claims wives of the entrepreneurs have also been arrested.
Italian authorities have confirmed the brothers Esposito are in contact with some Napoli players as well as some Italian VIPs. The disco they owned, the ‘Club Partenopeo’ was the place where Pepe Reina organized his Napoli farewell party a few days ago.
Their luxury living allowed them to be usually in touch with Napoli players and other personalities of the Italian show-biz.