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AC Milan, Galliani demands respect
The Italian football chief was asked his thoughts on AC Milan’s squads and his future at the club.
“It’s nonsense to say that AC Milan’s squad is incomplete. There are so many players out of action at the moment: Mati Fernandez, Montolivo and Bertolacci, it’s an entire department out of action. Three of our fullbacks out of five are out of action: Calabria, Vangioni and Paletta.”
“If Niang had fever we’d have had eight players out of action. Balance is needed at the moment. We get the praise if we win against Juve, but they’d say we are crazy if we fail to beat Pescara.”
“I am not open to stay at the club covering another role. I only want to work as CEO, after 30 years at the club, I wouldn’t cover any other role. I want to do what I’ve always done, I am just demanding some respect for me and my career.”