Berlusconi shocks AC Milan fans: ‘Closing date could be postponed’
Berlusconi, however, has claimed that the Chinese consortium could postpone the club’s acquisition.
“I’d like to remain as the club’s president but I needed to sell AC Milan because there are new, richer owners in football nowadays. We couldn’t economically compete with other big clubs around Europe”, AC Milan’s no.1 told Sky Sport
“I’d tried to sell the club to Bee Taechaubal and we are now in talks with this new Chinese group. The people I met left me with a very good impression and they’ve ensured me that they have the money they need to buy the club. There are however, some guarantees that the Chinese government must give too. We can postpone the closing fate by one month or a month and a half, no more than that.”
“In case the deal collapses we have already planned a new project with young and Italian players. The ‘Curva’ has already agreed to that.”